Seeking answer?

We will help you
find evidence
and uncover
the truth.

work with

Top private investigators.

And have a peace of mind.

Since our establishment, Global Entity Research has been synonymous with trust and excellence in offering specialized investigation services. Our dedication to providing client-centric, top-tier solutions stems from our deep understanding of the unique challenges and needs faced by our clients.

Our core values





our 4 types of investigations

Diverse Investigative Expertise for you



Litigation Support

Individual / Domestic

Global Entity Research

Professional private investigation services in Singapore

Our private investigators possess the expertise, know-how, and resources to help you unravel mysteries or gather essential evidence, ensuring you accomplish your goals.

Trustworthy, reliable and established.

We do not claim to be the best Private Investigators in Singapore or elsewhere, instead we let the quality of our services speak for themselves

Begin today.
Get your evidence.

No obligation consultation


results driven

why pick us as your private investigator

Benefit from our team’s extensive experience and specialized skills in private investigation services and get access to advanced technological tools and resources for efficient and effective solutions.

We are dedicated and experienced and with our unwavering commitment, we will exceed your expectations and deliver great results.

Gain confidence and assurance with our reliable and professional services, providing you with the peace of mind you deserve.